Poloniex stáhnout historická data


Měření návštěvnosti bylo ukončeno, nadále jsou dostupná pouze historická data do 31. 1. 2021. Více informací

Trade History, Volume, Market Depth Poloniex, LLC. 2021 - Boston, MA, USA; NMLS IDs: Circle Internet Financial, Inc. - 1201441 / Poloniex, LLC - 1486722 Dec 12, 2020 · Poloniex is a centralized cryptocurrency exchange located in Seychelles. There are 180 coins and 308 trading pairs on the exchange. Poloniex volume in the last 24 hours is reported to be at ₿10,357.61. The most active trading pair on Poloniex exchange is BTC/USDT. Poloniex is established in year 2014.

Poloniex stáhnout historická data

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The Company provides its customers with a secure trading environment and advanced charts and data analysis tools. Poloniex provides both HTTP and websocket APIs for interacting with the exchange. Both allow read access to public market data and private read access to your account. Private write access to your account is available via the private HTTP API. Nov 09, 2016 · If you look on the Poloniex Exchange at the ETH Buy Orders and Sell Orders, then compare these to the results you see in your own JSON data, you will see the same information in both places. The first “ask” order is also the lowest Sell price, so when I retrieved the data below, this order was offering 1.1 ETH for 0.01510990 BTC each.

Founded in January 2014, Poloniex offers trading environment and provides advanced charts and data analysis tools to its customers. Poloniex has a reported 24h volume of $261 673 183 with an Estimated Real Volume of $175 760 382 It is a Centralized Exchange that offers 76 currencies and has a 52.49% Confidence Score based on our Algorithms.

Poloniex stáhnout historická data

Final Thoughts This is a very brief overview of the complex functionality Poloniex offers. Poloniex permits access to the following data (?) Not all exchanges provide access to all information.

Buy, sell, and trade Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), TRON (TRX), Tether (USDT), and the best altcoins on the market with the legendary crypto exchange.

It automatically refreshes on changes.

Poloniex stáhnout historická data

Trade History, Volume, Market Depth Poloniex, LLC. 2021 - Boston, MA, USA; NMLS IDs: Circle Internet Financial, Inc. - 1201441 / Poloniex, LLC - 1486722 Dec 12, 2020 · Poloniex is a centralized cryptocurrency exchange located in Seychelles. There are 180 coins and 308 trading pairs on the exchange. Poloniex volume in the last 24 hours is reported to be at ₿10,357.61. The most active trading pair on Poloniex exchange is BTC/USDT. Poloniex is established in year 2014. please just ask Poloniex.com to export all data to csv, it won't cost you much time, and it will attract more bitcoin users to use your service.

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Closed gmaijoe opened this issue Apr 3, 2017 · 21 comments Closed Importing data from Poloniex gets stuck #663. Founded in January 2014, Poloniex offers trading environment and provides advanced charts and data analysis tools to its customers. Poloniex has a reported 24h volume of $261 673 183 with an Estimated Real Volume of $175 760 382 It is a Centralized Exchange that offers 76 currencies and has a 52.49% Confidence Score based on our Algorithms. Posted by The Poloniex Team at 2021-02-17 03:47:39 Deposit TUSD During the Chinese New Year to Enjoy up to 66% APR Poloniex Greater China is giving away bonuses throughout the Chinese New Year, and we’re beginning another TUSD deposit campaign now. Poloniex offers excellent data controls on this screen, from date, asset and activity filters to automatic analysis of your activity and exports for trades, lending and borrowing. Final Thoughts This is a very brief overview of the complex functionality Poloniex offers. Poloniex permits access to the following data (?) Not all exchanges provide access to all information.

Download Poloniex exchange historical trade data. The dataset includes all tick-by-tick raw trades. Candlestick (OHLCV) data is also available in multiple granularities (1m, 5m , 15m, 30m, 1h, 4h, 1d). This data set contains all tick by tick information, i.e.

Během tří minut se z ní dozvíte vše podstatné z brožury i přílohy (doporučujeme stáhnout buď v .odp nebo .ppt formátu a otevřít přímo v příslušném programu – ve webovém prohlížeči nefunguje přednášky-Historická antropologie Všechny níže uvedené materiály jsou výsledkem dobrovolné činnosti studentů, navštěvujících dané kurzy.

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Poloniex General Information Description. Provider of a cryptocurrency exchange platform based in Boston, Massachusetts. The company's cryptocurrency exchange platform facilitates users to trade, store and exchange through cryptocurrency unitsm, enabling traders to trade securely on an active digital asset exchange.